OGG Motoring Event
Tuesday, 17 October 2023
Please join us on Sunday 12 November for the 12th annual running of the OGG Motoring Event. The objective of the event is to provide an enjoyable motoring experience for OGGs and the wider GGS community. Entrants meet at the Equestrian Centre at Corio from 9:00 am, drivers briefing 9:15 am first car flagged away at 9:30 am. The route will take you on some of our favourite less travelled roads, including most beautiful parts of the Moorabool Valley and the Leigh Valley. We will break for morning tea at Inverleigh then drive on to our lunch and finish point, Tony Blakeley’s most beautiful property Wormbete, Winchelsea. Along the way you will answer some questions and unjumble some words. There are no costs involved, it is not a race, and crews will self-cater for morning tea and picnic lunch.

Entrants and cars
All OGGs and members of the wider GGS community are most welcome to take part in the event. Current and past parents, COGs, HOGs etc. All types of motor vehicles and motor cycles [from 1890 to 2023, modern vehicles are most welcome] from Alfa Romeo to Zephyr Zodiac and all in between.

To enter the 2023 Motoring Event Please email your interest, with car and crew details to David Henry, dhenry55@optusnet.com.au or call 0418 550 555. The Route Notes and instructions will be emailed during the week prior to the event. Name badges, the questions to be answered along the way and the unjumble the words questions will be handed out at the start. We do hope that you can join us.

Please feel free to forward this link to any that you feel may be interested in taking part.